Pastel Wooden Object permanence Box (6m+)


Wood, Non-toxic water-based colour stain

Product size:

Learning Outcomes:
1. Discovery of the World:
The object permanence box introduces children to the concept of object permanence, which is a fundamental cognitive concept in early childhood development. By interacting with the box and observing objects disappear and reappear, children discover that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight.

2. Language and Literacy:
Caregivers can support language development by narrating children's actions and describing the objects they are manipulating. As children engage with the object permanence box, they may label objects, express curiosity, and engage in verbal interaction with caregivers, which fosters language and communication skills.

3. Motor Skills Development:
Interacting with the object permanence box involves manipulating objects with precision and coordination, which supports the development of fine motor skills. Children practice grasping, picking up, and releasing objects as they place them into the box and remove them.

4. Social and Emotional Development:
Interacting with the object permanence box can be a source of delight and satisfaction for children as they successfully retrieve hidden objects. It offers opportunities for caregivers to provide positive reinforcement and encouragement, which contributes to children's social and emotional development. Additionally, engaging in the task of object permanence can help children develop patience, persistence, and problem-solving skills.