Rolling Bell (6m+)


Metal, Beechwood, Schima

Product Size:

Learning Outcomes:
1. Aesthetics and Creative Expression (including Sensory Stimulation):
The rolling bell toy offers visual and auditory stimulation, capturing infants' attention with its bright colors and gentle chiming sound. Infants can engage in creative play as they watch the bell roll and listen to the sound it produces, fostering appreciation for aesthetics and creativity.

2. Motor Skills Development:
Infants can practice reaching out, grasping, and holding onto the rolling bell toy, improving their fine motor skills. As they explore the toy, they also enhance their hand-eye coordination and grip strength.

3. Social and Emotional Development:
Caregivers can use the rolling bell toy as a tool for social interaction, engaging in joint attention and bonding activities with the infant. The sound of the bell may elicit positive emotions and provide comfort or reassurance to the infant.

4. Discovery of the World (Cognitive Development):
Infants begin to understand concepts such as cause and effect as they interact with the rolling bell toy. They learn that their actions, such as pushing or shaking the toy, make the bell roll and produce sound, fostering cognitive development and curiosity about their environment.

5. Language and Literacy:
Caregivers can describe the rolling bell toy's features and actions using verbal language, supporting infants' language development and early literacy skills. They may also encourage infants to vocalize or imitate the sound of the bell, promoting communication skills.